Sunday, March 4, 2012


It is the inflammation of the pericardium

Causes of Pericarditis

1) Idiopathic or non-specific pericarditis
2) Rheumatic pericarditis
3) Infective
4) Metabolic disease e.g., Uraemia
5) Collagen disorders e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus
6) Post myocardial infarction
7) Post-operative
8) Neoplasms of the pericardium
9) Trauma
10) Endocrine disorders e.g., myxoedema
11) Drugs e.g., Hydralazine
12) Radiation

Types of Pericarditis

1) Dry pericarditis 2) Wet pericarditis
1) Acute 2) Chronic

Symptoms of Pericarditis / Signs of Pericarditis

Wet pericarditis

Dry pericarditis
Fever Fever
Body pain Dyspnoea is more which decreases in muslim prayer position
Malaise -
Joint pains -
Anorexia -
Chest pain while lying down -
Difficulty in breathing -

Investigations for Pericarditis

1) Elecrocardiogram
2) E.S.R
3) Rheumatoid factor

Treatment / Home remedies for Pericarditis

1) Try to remove the precipitating factors
2) Diet low in sodium and high in potassium
3) Magnesium is beneficial*
4) Thiamine is protective *
5) Terminalia arjuna has got protective properties, it avoids further damage .

Ayurveda approach for Pericarditis

According to ayurveda, this is a dominantly VATA disorder with involvement of KAPHA. But if ayurvedic medicines are taken with diet control, can cure this problem, give strength to heart muscles, reduce congestion of blood vessels. Therefore, ayurvedic medicines are strongly recommended.

Contact - Dr. Rahul Saraf at, +919422309088 to discuss your health problem or ayurvedic guidance on the same.

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Contact - Dr. Rahul Saraf at, +919850053462 to discuss your health problem or ayurvedic guidance on the same.