Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Leakage of urine through an external opening on skin


1) Perforating or penetrating wounds
2) Poor healing after surgery
3) Vascular necrosis following radiotherapy and surgery
4) Clot retention after surgery


1) Leakage of urine, blood and / or pus through an external wound
2) Pain, if secondary infection occurs
3) Weight loss, anorexia may be present

Therapeutic consideration

1) Vit-C – helps wound healing*
2) Vit-B complex –  there is deficiency*
3) Avoid spicy food that may turn the urine acidic
4) Potassium*
5) Calcium*
6) Correction surgery is effective but should be done only after attempting to heal the wound by keeping bladder empty with an indwelling catheter

Ayurveda approach

According to ayurveda, this problem occurs due to VATA prakopa with the involvement of other two doshas. This disease is difficult to cure but not impossible. Treatment runs a long course and more patience is required from the patient. Ayurvedic medicines are especially recommended, where surgery has already failed or can not be advised i.e. – old patient and with some other serious problems.

Contact - Dr. Rahul Saraf at, +919422309088 to discuss your health problem or ayurvedic guidance on the same.

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Contact - Dr. Rahul Saraf at, +919850053462 to discuss your health problem or ayurvedic guidance on the same.